Welcome to
Buddh Kirti Bahuuddeshiy Sanstha Wadhona Fata TQ Sengaon Dist Hingoli
About Us
Buddh Kirti Bahuuddeshiy Sanstha Wadhona Fata TQ Sengaon Dist Hingoli (BKBSWF NGO) was founded in 2019, with the object “to publish and make known the principles of Buddhism and to encourage the study and practice of those principles.” The Society provides a range of courses in Buddhist meditation and daily life practice. This course is offered free of charge to people serving a prison sentence and donated books are also freely available on request.
In addition to the regular courses, the Society offers a full program of events including special functions and celebration days, plus regular public lectures on the history, art, and culture of Buddhist countries. The venue for teachers and speakers is under process as there is a shortage of money.

“Even Death is not to be Feared by one Who has Lived Wisely.”
Public Preaching
From Buddh Kirti Bahuuddeshiy Sanstha Wadhona Fata TQ Sengaon Dist Hingoli, our president Pujya Bhante Buddhakirti does public preaching.
Protecting Cultural Heritage
Heritage is the main identification of a particular society, but due to negligence over some time it has been lost, no matter how the Heritage is,
Vocational Training
The youth of Hingoli district are facing huge difficulties in improving their economic status as there are limited sources of income.
BKBSWF NGO teaches the values which include the following pearls of wisdom and takes many more efforts.
Spreading Buddhism
Buddhism is not a religion but an “Art of Living”. Buddhism is not a religion, because first, the Buddha is not a Super “Natural Power.
Learning Sculpturing
The President of our society, Pujya Bhante Buddhakirti is a renowned Sculpture of Maharashtra,
President’s Message
Dear Supporters and Members,
First I would like to thank all Buddh Kirti Bahuuddeshiy Sanstha Wadhona Fata TQ Sengaon Dist Hingoli members and our Sanstha for allowing me the opportunity to serve our organization as President for another term. since the beginning, I am with BKBSWF NGO is still as intense as ever, so please rest assured that I will do my best in continuing to make the BSWA as good as it can be.
Our society has grown enormously over the past years under the spiritual direction of Tathagata Buddha. Buddhist organizations are springing up everywhere in India and around the world. Our Sangha are in high demand to travel and teach, they are also starting to populate the various monasteries’ that are being born around the world. Our members are prominent in working for the upliftment of society and enhancing Buddhism among the common people.
It is a humble request to all of our donors and supporters to be with us on our future journey as they were.
Thanking you,
Pujya Bhante Buddhakirti